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The Gaunts' House, Denmark Street, Bristol, BS1 5DR

Cornwall, Devon, Gloucestershire, Somerset, Wiltshire and Dorsetshire (except the part included in the South-Eastern Traffic Area), and a small part of West Hampshire.

AA Conductors. AA Drivers. BB Conductors. BB Drivers. CC Conductors. CC Drivers. DD Conductors. DD Drivers. EE Conductors. EE Drivers. FF Conductors. FF Drivers. GG Conductors. GG Drivers. HH Conductors. HH Drivers. J Badges. KK Conductors. KK Drivers. LL Conductors. LL Drivers. MM Conductors. MM Drivers. N Conductors. N Drivers. T Conductors. T Drivers. Paper Licences. Company issued badges. Channel Islands. Isle of Man. Staff Pictures.

H 937 Exeter Corporation Driver

H 937 Exeter Corporation Driver

HH 3727

HH 3727

HH 3866

HH 3866

HH 3884

HH 3884

HH 4197 Early issue badges 1935/6

HH 4197 Early issue badges 1935/6

HH 4793 Western National Omnibus Driver Alf Gumery, Tavistock Depot 1969.

HH 4793 Western National Omnibus Driver Alf Gumery, Tavistock Depot 1969.

HH 5319

HH 5319

HH 11122 A 1939 issue.

HH 11122 A 1939 issue.

HH 16265

HH 16265

HH 18886 Red and White Driver.

HH 18886 Red and  White Driver.

HH 19083 Bristol Omnibus Co Driver.

HH 19083 Bristol Omnibus Co Driver.

HH 19734

HH 19734

HH 20803 BT&TCo

HH 20803 BT&TCo

HH 21049

HH 21049

HH 24384 Tony Richards Western National and Royal Blue Driver.

HH 24384 Tony Richards Western National and Royal Blue Driver.

HH 24864

HH 24864

HH 25733 Bristol Omnibus Driver Jim Gillick and his daughter Linda

HH 25733 Bristol Omnibus Driver  Jim Gillick and his daughter Linda

HH 28107

HH 28107

HH 33333 Another great number.

HH 33333 Another great number.

HH 33719 Neil Musgrave. Marchant's Coaches Cheltenham

HH 33719 Neil Musgrave. Marchant's Coaches Cheltenham